cama. I really enjoyed the visit of Lake Titicaca. There are floating villages made of reeds (the boat is their taxi system. The villages are about the size of a basketball court - quite a simple life.
On the islands (I stayed with a local family), life is still simple. A single small solar panel supplies evening lighting to the rooms. The kitchen-dining area may have a kerosene stove, but most cooking is done on a wood-fueled stove. There is no running water and most food is harvested from the garden next to the house.
A couple of La Paz photos are included. One shows the bags of spices available around town and the other is of the catherdral San Francisco last night. It is quite busy here -I can´t wait to get out to the countryside again. One highlight for me was stopping at one of the local juice bars on the side of the street and getting my "Jamba Juice." For three Bolivianos (Bs, $1=7Bs), you get a couple large glasses of fresh blended juices. You drink them on the street and give the glass back when you are done - very good.
Take care,