I got a ride to the hospital by ambulance, some stitches on my face and back of my head, some radiation, blood and piss tests, and a few bandages. The real scare came when I got dressed to leave and passed out again. On to the CT scan where my doctor looked with consertantion at the scans. Seems he saw something that gave him pause. Next the neurosurgeons looked over the scans and examined me. And here is the best part, despite what some of you might think, they proclaimed that there was nothing wrong with my head and cleared me to go. My favorite words came from my doctor - "You are free to continue on with your trip, - I am jealous." Even better news came from accounting, it seems that since I was the one hit, I did not have to pay a penny.
So now, over two weeks later as I write this from Athens, I am mostly healed except for some numbness on my right hip, side and bum and a sore shoulder joint. Could be much worse. On with the trip!